Todd Family Reunion – LOVE them!

As we were reunited with my husband’s extended family this past weekend, I was reminded again and again of how much I love these people I have married into!  I have had the joy of being part of the Todd Family Reunions for 21 years now.  Our first was a few months after Shawn and I were married in 1996.  These people pulled me in and made me feel “at home” with all their jokes, loud laughter, hugs, music, socializing, and such.  I was officially part of the family the day they met me.

Through all of these years I have had much joy at the sight of each of them every year or two.  Shawn’s aunts and uncles and cousins are my own.  Even his grandparents loved me as their own.

Why do I mention this on here?  Well, as you read in my last post, I was having some body image issues last week.  Those issues spilled over into some nervousness about seeing all these family members again as well.  So much so, that I am pretty sure I got a batch of hives on my neck (the exact spot as I did during herceptin infusions following radiation, my neck).   It may have just been stress, but ya know, that’s a stressor too.  It was foolish to even worry about it…that was reaffirmed to me each and every person I greeted at the reunion.  These people, my husband’s family, have cheered me on, sent me cards, read my blog posts, and never once in my 20 years with them have they ever judged me or anyone else in our group by their appearances…why would they start now.  Being with them this past week was the best medicine possible for my body image anxiety “flair up”.  Being shown love unconditionally is good medicine.

Thank you Todd Family for being who you are and for loving me and my family so completely!

Todd Family minus Robert J fam

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